We deliver the print- and blanco-armbags in a two-coloured printed standard counter-display (wide: 13cm, high: 11,5cm, deep: 36 cm) with a wrap packaging for dispatch inclusive.
The installable „Topper“ has a special stamp out, which can be putted up for an original armbag as an „eyecatcher“ at the „point of sale“.
For the fashion armbags with 3D-disigns, you can order a special, optical very attractive counter-display for hanging up the single-paper-packagings with armbags.
We´d love to send you further information on request.
We also deliver display- special editions, exactly corresponding to your wishes.
Single packaging to hang
For the LUCKY BEETLE armbag we have developed an ecologically single packaging to hang, made of cardboard, which can be hang on ordinary shop-systems with euro-standard or on our exclusive counter-display.
Foto material for your web site
We love to support your sale through free digital foto- and text material, which you can use at your web site as advertisment.
Development from design-concepts
We develop indiviual ideas for your clients and support you through fotos with planning designs and the production of original samples as a help of your decision.
Within an excisting range of products, we adapt the design of the armbag to your collection and support you by finding ideas for your projects.