Promotion with the LUCKY-BEETLE armbag!
The wrist bag is good looking and useful in all situations!
Perfectly for your promotion at all open-air-events , f.ex. pop concerts, sport events,
city festivals a.s.o. Apractical promotion article for pharmacie and cosmetic products, to introduce a new product, for city and travel tourism, in clubs and discoteques, at dancing events, as well as for schoolchilds and many other sectors.
We deliver your promotion armbag completely as a spezial edition.
Smallest editions can be produced by transfer-print. Talk to us about our print-service.
In the armbag fits ...
... for example a credit card, tickets, money or car key, lipstick, a MP3-player, a small mobile, a small spray, a parfume sample, tablets, condoms, an USB-stick, a.s.o.